What is small business to us?

Director, Gemma Denton discusses the origins behind the mural in RWK Bunbury office.

For anyone that has visited our Bunbury office, you would have been greeted by the beautiful artwork that takes up the wall of our meeting room. The actual image was designed and created by the well known and super talented Tim Howe, but the idea came out of my head as an idea for a representation of what small business is. 

At the time she was created I was trying to get the third RWK office up and running, Mum of two young kids and building a house. I was a small business owner trying to be everything to everyone and feeling like I was failing at it all! It felt like if I focussed on one thing, something else fell over and I couldn't juggle it all.

Small business is a constant struggle, there are great days and terrible days, there is freedom in one hand and a ball and chain on the other. There is sacrifice and then rewards, money and debt and it is a scale that constantly shifts. The balls juggled are meant to represent just that. Hard work, family, money, numbers, time and rewards. All things that need to be carefully balanced and managed so that nothing gets dropped.

How we work with clients and small business is with a knowledge that every one of them will be doing this. Our efforts revolve around doing what we can to help them juggle and feel supported in that. 

How we do that is by making sure they have useful information, a good understanding, and by being available and across what they do. We know their numbers through great software like Xero, we do their bookkeeping so they know pays are done, super is paid and the ATO is happy. We help with finance when plans change or assets are needed, we share big dreams and little dreams. We help work out what their business is worth, how their business is tracking and if they are making what they think. We help them work out why they have no money when they are working their a** off! 

We help them plan for the future and balance the see-saw and juggle. And we are kind and supportive always because we are small business owners too.

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