Is your business a ‘good’ business?

Join RWK Director, Kingsley for a brief minute packed with reflective questions for your business. He discusses some all important things to remember when determining how your business is performing. Return on investment, sales growth, percentages and wages are all determinants of how ‘good’ your business is doing.

What a perfect time to begin reflecting as we near the end of this financial year.

At RWK, we love to see your business thrive, this is one minute of some hard hitting questioning to see how you might be travelling heading in this EOFY.


Or call us now at the Bunbury or Dunsborough offices.

A regular contributor to The Vault, Kingsley Smith CA | Director

Kings is a thinker, he is always looking for ways to improve what business is doing. He is a fantastic analyst of new business and providing insite into new opportunites including best structures. His clients love him and he is a source of constant entertainment in the office!

Read more about our awesome team here.

Would you love some new perspectives for your business? Have a look at our solutions here.

Emma Jones

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2023-2024 Budget