What are you reading now?

In business you have to be in a mindset to constantly learn and grow and one of the best way to do that is through others’ experiences.

I take something from every book I read and it helps to keep me motivated and keep moving forward and improving.

This is a hit list of top picks for the year, put some on you Christmas list or make a new plan to read one a month. 


Director, Gemma asks the question, what are you reading now. As a business owner, it is important to stay informed of strategies and strive to attain new knowldege in the business world. As those who regularly advise, at RWK, we ensure we have an ever growing list of books to devour.

Read more about our awesome team here, based in both Bunbury and Dunsborough, you will be sure to find an Accountant that suits your needs.

Have you given your business a good Spring Clean lately ? Perfect time to delve into some overdue tasks or tidy up some forgotten subscriptions. Read more here

Your local Accountant. Conveniently located in Bunbury & Dunsborough and servicing the South West business community for over 20 years. We know business. Check out Our Solutions to see what we can do for you.

Read more about our amazing team here.

Emma Jones

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Buying or selling equipment in the 2024 financial year - WATCH OUT!!


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