Beware the Scammers.

We have noticed that over the past few months the incidence of scammers trying to get money out of businesses has been on the increase. We have gathered some information aimed at keeping your money and identity safe.

We are hoping to make you aware of some scams that are being used and to ask you to be vigilant to stop the attacks where we can.

 Some of the scams include:

  1. Scammers are hijacking peoples emails and then sending out emails to customers with updated bank account details asking customers to pay amounts into this new account.  In some cases, they are actually going into people’s invoices and changing the bank account details on that.  With most online banking systems you should receive notification when you go into online banking that you are making a payment to a new account.  If this is the case, please take the time to ring the other person to confirm that the bank account details have correctly been changed.  This way you can then help slow down the incidence of scammer fraud.  If you find that details have been changed please report this to the proper authorities so that they can follow this up where possible.  I am aware of at least three instances where this has occurred and people have lost up to $30,000 so please be careful.

  2. The incidence of scammers ringing or emailing and pretending to be from a government department is also on the rise.  Where possible don’t interact with them, just hang up, if it is a person impersonating someone from the ATO please refer them on to us or hang up and contact us and we can check whether there is an ATO debt. 

       3. No government department will ever tell you that you have a debt and that you need to go and buy  apple                       vouchers or pay in bitcoin.  This is almost certainly a scam, just hangup. 

       4. Websites and email addresses are being copied and then changed in minute ways which then asks you to click            on a link, this link then feeds to a completely different site.  For example, can you pick the difference between               the  following:

The first link is correct, the second is from a hacker who then has access to your computer.

Lastly, if someone sends you an email saying you have won something or are due to receive an inheritance; you know the old adage, if it’s to good to be true, in this case it almost definitely isn’t true.

As with all of the above, the best defence is to be vigilant.  Don’t open an email or click on a link from an unknown source.

Lets try and protect each other as much as possible.  If you are unsure of something please feel free to contact our office

The RWK Accountancy team.

Read more at ATO Scam Alerts

RWK Accountancy is a trusted partner to businesses in the South West, offering comprehensive and innovative accounting solutions since 1999. With over 20 years of experience in guiding businesses on their journey, RWK stands as a new world solution to an old school profession, providing more than just tax returns.

With locations in both Bunbury and Dunsborough, we have all your Accounting needs covered for the South West.

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Emma Jones

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